Sunday, October 25, 2009


Welcome to the Man Reason Ideal Wifey!!! Simply put, the Ideal Wifey. It is what it is. The gloves are off. Look around at all these women magazines and all you’ll see is misinformation. The only way to get the right answers to the questions that you have is to just come out and ask the person you want the answers from. Well, women keep asking me the same questions over and over, and I keep answering. Then came Man Reason, and as that has grown I decided to expand the Man Reason empire and tackle the questions burning inside women. Well hopefully not burning. Welcome to the Ideal Wifey!!!

Do u want to be the perfect wifey?

Do you want to know how to truly please a man?

Do you want to know what a man wants and needs?

Do you want to have the best relationship that you could have?

The question is, do u?

Welcome to the Ideal Wifey, where all your questions will be answered.


What is the Ideal Wifey? You would think that for every man the answer to this question would be different right? If you said yes, you are sadly mistaking. Ever wonder why some men get all the ladies’ attention? Or why the woman who just walked in wearing the tight mini dress with the high stripper like heels is receiving all the attention from the men in the room including your boyfriend? The answer is simple and once you understand that, relationships will become easier to you. Do some reading on what is called “natural selection” from Charles Darwin. While you’re at it also look “survival of the fittest” from Herbert Spencer. Unless you have time on your hands, which I don’t, look them up on Wikipedia. I though, will be introducing a combination theory here: The Man Reason Ideal Wifey Theory.

The Man Reason Ideal Wifey Theory:

"People chose their mate from a formed imagined image and the conceptualization of relationship conjectures."

In short, you will come up with an image of what your spouse is to be like based off of things you have learned about relationships throughout your life from experience, other people’s statements, and/or your beliefs. No two people will have the same definition to what a relationship should be like, but people do share basic beliefs based off of society’s general vague definition to what a relationship is.

In comes the Ideal Wifey BlogSpot. Like a superhero wearing a cape, our, or my job, is to take all of the societal bull crap, picking out what is fiction and not fact, then post about it to help women understand one thing: Relationships are easy.

What? Relationships are easy? Yes, they are. If your relationship isn’t then obliviously there is a problem. The Ideal Wifey will focus on teaching the proper usage of the tools needed in order to make your relationship easy. If you never learned how to, then you will never know how.

For our first Ideal Wifey Post, we will introduce the Ideal Wifey Pledge. The pledge symbolizes the dedication necessary in order to learn how to be the Ideal Wifey.

The Ideal Wifey Pledge:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully attempt to become the Ideal Wifey. I will not become discouraged, nor will I have fear in the eye of adversity. To be the Ideal Wifey takes hard work and dedication. I will dedicate my life to the hard work necessary to achieve the status of the Ideal Wifey. I do solemnly swear."


* Wedding Ring property of*
*Wedding  Ring property of Lel4nd(busy)'s*

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