Saturday, December 5, 2009


Welcome to the Ideal Wifey!!! Look, this is not rocket science that we are dealing with here. It’s real simple and real easy to do. Relationships are not hard. How many times do I have to say it? RELATIONSHIPS ARE NOT HARD!!! I had a female friend (not) come up to me and say that she does not know what to do to make her man happy. I asked her “What makes him happy?” She responded that she doesn’t know. I was like maybe you should ask and do what he says. She was completely confused about this. So I had to dumb it down for her. Communicate, Listen, and Do. Unfortunately, she still didn’t get it. Welcome to the Ideal Wifey!!!

Friends: How Many of Us Have ‘Em

Platonic. Some mistake your kindness as we’re cool. Some pretend to be real interested in everything that you say. Some appear that they have no romantic interest.

Officially for the record, there is no such thing as Platonic Friends. Nope, you are not friends. Accept it. Nope, not friends. Okay, let’s say I am wrong. I can prove it.

Are We Just Friend’s Test

1. Get naked and see what happens?

2. Ask to sleep with them?

3. Ask their friends how they feel about you?

Point proven. Yep.

Friends: With Benefits

Just because you are not sleeping with someone doesn’t mean that your friendship is not adding extra benefits. Emotionally, what are you receiving from your “platonic” friendship. It could be possible that you are sharing so much with this other person that you have crossed over to an emotional affair without knowing it. The key to know if you are in an emotional:

Am I in an Emotional Affair Test

1. Do you tell this person the problems you are having with your spouse?

a. If yes, does this person say that your spouse is always in the wrong or states that they would not treat you or someone else similar to how your spouse treats you?

2. Do you share information with this person that you do not with your spouse?

3. Do you feel disappointed if you do not talk to this person on any given day?

Friends: Q&A

“What do I do if I thought we were just friends, but he made a move on me?”

Get out of that friendship. It is clear that you guys were never friends to him. You guys will never be friends after you have turned him down.

“A friend and I agreed that we should just sleep together until we find real mates, but I get jealous whenever he dates other girls. I want to know does he get jealous when I date other guys, but I am afraid to ask. How do I ask him?”

If you care if he gets jealous when you date other guys, which means that there is much more there to you then just sex. If he has not already told you or expresses no feelings toward you dating other guys, then you are just sex to him. I would go as far as saying that you guys are not even friends.

“I thought if I was this guys friend he would see me as the perfect girl, but I don’t think he is. How do I get him to look at me as not his friend but the girl he should be with?”

If he doesn’t already look at you as the perfect girl, then you will never be his perfect girl. Depending on how long you guys have been friends, he already has formed an image of what you would be like as a girlfriend. The only chance you have is to just tell him that you want him as more than a friend and see what happens.

Ideal Wifey Friends Part 1…to be continued

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