Monday, June 28, 2010

The Ideal Return

Welcome to Man Reason's the Ideal Wifey. Sorry that we have been gone for awhile but we had some things to take care of, some new experiences to experience, and some research to do to make us better at what we do. What we do is tell the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts. Sometimes you may not like what you are being told. If that is the case then you shouldn’t ask for the truth. Today, the Ideal Wifey will focus on an ugly truth, "being the mistress."
Now ladies that are sensitive and can handle the truth don’t read any further than here. What I am about to say is going to hurt. At some point, your spouse will have a mistress. I’m sorry, that is the truth. He may not have her now, but sooner or later there will be someone whom you can consider his mistress. By mistress I just mean someone in his life that is equal to you. Not saying that he is sleeping with this person, but this person and him have some type of relationship. Unfortunately, if you are the main woman in his life, this blog post is not for you. This is actually for the mistresses of the world. Yes, I said it. This is for the mistresses of the world to learn how to be the perfect mistress. Welcome to Man Reason's the Ideal Wifey!!!


There is an art to be a mistress. There are a lot of women that have tried and a lot who have failed. Today the Ideal Wifey will tell you the four secrets to being the perfect mistress.

1. Be happy being number 2
There are a lot of articles I just learned about being a mistress. Many women have made a lucrative career at being number 2. The one thing I have learned which separates a good mistress from a bad one is when a mistress decides she is no longer willing to be number 2. Face it when youu entered the relationship he had a spouse, be happy with being number 2. Your relationship with him and his relationship with his wife should be completely separate. Never ask about the other woman, and if he starts talking about her cut him off and change the subject. The one thing you don’t want to be is the girl he runs to only because him and his spouse are having problems you want him to want to be around you because you are this great woman that he has a connection with but he is married to another woman that he had a similar connection to. Being number 2 does not require the same amount of work as being number 1. Number one has responsibilities that number 2 does not have to deal equally with. Enjoy being number 2.

2. Know him
Ok I just said don’t ask him about his wife, but as him about his life. You should know every detail about him. Yes the mysterious man is so appealing but the mysterious man is not a man you can trust. So what he's cheating on his wife with you that doesn’t make him not trust worthy. He maybe lying to his wife about things but make sure he is not lying to you.  The only way to do that is to know him. Also, I just said not to ask about his wife, but you need to know about the wife. Hey, she might be crazy. You should know as much as you can about her without allowing him to go through a complain feast about her. Remember the goal is not to be the girl that he comes running to when him and his wife are into it, the goal is to be in a relationship with him equal to the one he is currently in with his wife.

3. Be good
Ok, maybe he just needs you for sex; maybe he just needs you to listen. Whatever the case, be good at that deed. Reason being, you want him to keep coming back to you. Remember that this is a relationship you are in. Yes it’s a secret relationship, but you are in a relationship. Treat it as such. Back on subject. If your man likes to cuddle, then you need to cuddle. If your man likes football, have Tom Brady over to the house. Be good at what you do.

4. Make sure he is treating his wife better than he treats you
Ok, reality is you are the number two, be sure he treats you as such. Yes, he may want to shower you with gifts, take you on trips, and show you a good time, but make sure that he is also doing these thing with his wife. Occasionally, the mistress makes the mistake of wanting too much and too much of his time is concentrating on keeping the mistress happy, mostly from trying to keep his extramarital affair secret and some from wanting to give to someone who will appreciate what he is doing. Regardless of his reason, be sure that he is equally treating his wife the same. The Man Reason reason is because one day you may become the number one, you want to be sure that he will continue to treat you equally as good as he did when he had you as his number 2.

Face it, you are the number 2. Remember to be a good mistress, besides being quiet about the relationship, you need to treat it like a relationship. Remember the mistress’s role is as important as the wifey’s role. Remember these simple rules and your relationship with him will be as important to him as his relationship with his wife. The Ideal Mistress. 

*Woman in water property of Ton Haex on Flickr*